Hey all,
Thanks a lot for all your nice comments and feedback about the movie. It is very rewarding to see that I was right spending so much time working on that project, and more importantly it really encourages me and gives me the motivation needed to keep working on new projects about our favorite game. Actually I already have a couple of ideas in mind, and thank you for suggesting more.
Also I want to thank in particular those of you who spent a bit of money to help me funding that movie, that really means a lot to me and helps me a lot. As explained that movie has been fully self-produced meaning that all the costs have been 100% financed by my own personal funds. So just a last mention to let you know that if you want to participate to the funding of that movie and of the next ones, you can still do so via Bitcoin (Adress : 1CPXms6nrmPN9xZ7xBwgac1TzuRBWgzV3i), Skrill ([email protected]) or via transfer on PokerStars (player account: Seb86). I don't mean to sound like I am begging for funds but I can guarantee you that producing movies costs a lot and I swear that I will not spend that money on strippers or lap dances.
About the other movies that I produced before, none of them is available with English subtitles yet unfortunately but I plan to do so in the future. As you can imagine it takes a lot of time, especially as if I want you to really enjoy the movies I can't do the subtitles by myself. I am currently running out of time so if there is any native English speaker who understands French and wants to give me a hand on that, I'll be glad to accept the help![]()
Again thanks a lot guys for all your comments and hopefully I'll be back soon with another great project that you will like!
Galera que assistiu com legenda em ingles ou que quer legenda, acho bem digno dar um capilé pro cara que fez o filme. Copyright moral.
Se mandar uma mensagem pra ele falando que vai traduzir pro portugues o que ele falaria?
Provavelmente ele liberaria de boa se não tivesse fim comercial a tradução e não sei se iria gostar tanto se fosse pra fins comerciais.
Torço pra tudo dar certo ai, mas acho justo pra quem gostou do filme, tambem valorizar o trabalho do cara e mandar 1$ simbólico, até porque esses fundos podem vir a financiar outros filmes dele desse tipo.