- 11:11 - coconuts mencionou Stolf no post League of Legends
... tão caro?
Fala ae Stolf, bao? Cara não preci...
- 10:28 - coconuts mencionou Alvinho no post League of Legends
...yptic, chumboryson, Alvinho, lucasgflush
- 10:28 - coconuts mencionou Apokalyptic no post League of Legends
...RobertoBM, luigibr, Apokalyptic, chumboryson, Alvinh...
- 10:28 - coconuts mencionou chumboryson no post League of Legends
...igibr, Apokalyptic, chumboryson, Alvinho, lucasgflus...
- 10:28 - coconuts mencionou lucasgflush no post League of Legends
...umboryson, Alvinho, lucasgflush
Galera seguinte, es...
- 10:28 - coconuts mencionou luigibr no post League of Legends
RobertoBM, luigibr, Apokalyptic, chumbo...
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RobertoBM, luigibr, Apokalypti...